There’s a Right Way to Network:
Supercharged Networking:
Build Relationships First, So Business Will Follow™

Your Premier Networking & Connecting Training Resource
Your Networking Mentor

#lunchwithlorry –
The Premier Networking & Connecting Training Co
Connect. Network. Learn.
There Is A Right Way To Do Networking
Your Networking Mentor

#lunchwithlorry –
The Premier Networking & Connecting Training Co
Connect. Network. Learn.
There Is A Right Way To Do Networking
What is networking?
- Networking is sales of the most important product in the world yourself!
We network to sell ourselves to potential customers, employers, friends, and social media followers.
If you have struggled using networking to:
- Find the perfect job.
- Reach new clients.
- Meet trusted advisors.
- Find great employees.
- Find top notch vendors.
- Profitably grow your business.
I can help!
I cracked the code on successful networking and can help you make sense of it.
My strategies, tips, and tricks help you understand and unleash networking’s tremendous power to work for you even if you don’t like networking, are new to it, or are an introvert.
See what people are saying about:
Supercharged Networking: Build Relationships First, So Business Will Follow

“Failure is the COGS
(Cost of Goods Sold)
of Success.”
The Science & Math of Networking
Networking is based on advanced mathematics and science. A network is an energy field and thus requires the input of energy (The Give) and output of energy (The Take). And results are based on the natural exponential mathematical function e.
Connections + Time = Achieving Your Dreams
The science follows the physics and chemistry law of conservation of energy. It means the energy of your network remains constant, unless you add to it or take from it.
If you network only looking to Take from your network, it soon ceases to function as its energy depletes.
If you network by Giving the network energy, it grows in power over time, and ultimately, you can Take some out without damaging its integrity. This is why you start your networking with Giving!
The mathematical function e explains why your results grow exponentially as your connections grow over time, and more importantly, why results take time to materialize, no matter how much you want them now.
“Everyone needs a Chief Necessity Officer (CNO) to hold them accountable while they build a network.”
– Lorryisms
Monthly award winning #LUNCHWITHLORRY virtual events.
- Meet 20+people at a personal level.
- They are the vaccine for #zoomfatigue.
- Free to attend.
Supercharged Networking Build Relationships First, So Business Will Follow™ training course.
- We will share our key tips, tricks, and strategies.
- You will learn to be a networking superstar.
Personalize network mentoring.
- Customized to supercharge your networking skills.
- I will be your Chief Necessity Officer.
Do you want an army of salespeople?
- Train key employees to network.
- #lunchwithlorry team building events.
- Learn the lifestories of fellow employees.
Networking Boot Camps cover the highlights of our full course.
- Two hours of hands-on training.
- Action steps you can apply immediately afterwards.
- Introductions to all other participants.
Does your organization need a speaker?
- Networking is a universal topic for varied audiences.
- Customized for your organization.
- Topics from virtual networking to using LinkedIn as your social media networking tool.
Now Available Online
Supercharged Networking:
Build Relationships First, So Business Will Follow™
I had a hard time learning networking like many people.
- I was introverted and didn’t like meeting people.
- I only networked to look for a job or customer,
- I wanted to always quit because networking was slow, frustrating and scary.
After 20 years of trying I said there has to be a better way!
I reviewed what worked and what didn’t work.
I documented the best strategies, tips, and tricks that drive success. I experimented a lot, failing more and more.
I never saw a course that explained how to network like a pro.
So I set out to build one, modeled after the success I had with #lunchwithlorry LinkedIn posts about those I took to lunch.
My networking training course will reduce your failures by learning from mine!
I will explain basic networking concepts, so you can learn advance networking strategies.
And I will share why building relationships that grow over time is the key to success.
#lunchwithlorry events show you the power of your life story
Our customers say the virtual #lunchwithlorry events are the most interesting and productive networking events they have ever attended. They are the cure for #zoomfatigue.